
Our real estate blog system is moving full bore!

With significant interest in AgentPages from recent conferences and marketing efforts, we are really pleased with the takeup and positive feedback of the system so far. Thankyou, and you’ll be pleased to know  it is only getting better!

With takeup from 3 major real estate brands, we are very excited about the rollout for this product and watching it evolve. We also have some amazing new surprises in store down the track that will make AgentPages an even more attractive proposition. Stay tuned…

For those who havn’t checked out the demo, please do – at http://www.agentpages.com.au – we think it will be worth your while.  For yuor benefit, on the homepage we’ve added in a blog section where we take time to talk about using the system effectively, tips and tricks and other social media insights.

We also have a nifty little video that clearly takes you through it’s features and benefits to you. Check it out.

Anytime you want to discuss our agent profile sites, just give us a ring on 03 9328 5455, or fill out the registration of interest form.


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