New Feature Sticker for iDashboard Products

New Feature: Price Reduction Notifications

We receive hundreds of suggestions every month for new features, but one feature has been asked for more than anything else… It’s FINALLY here and we know you are going to love it: Price Reduction Notifications for our automated email campaigns.

The price reduction notifications allows you to include your price-reduced properties in your automatic weekly emails.

The feature has two parts. First reduce the lower price of in the price range of your property. When you update the property, a safe-guard message will appear asking if you would like to include this property in your email alerts under price reductions. If you would like your price reduction sent out in an automatic composition select yes, if not select no.

The next thing you will need to do is either create a new Price Reduction automatic campaign or allow price reductions to be sent in one of your current automatic campaigns. To add price reductions to a pre-existing automatic composition simply select the email that you would like to add the Price Reduction properties to. Click on the Email Contents and select the number of days for Price Reductions. For example if you select 7 days, price reductions that have been made in the last seven days will be included in the email – the exact same way you set how many days of new listings and sold listings should be included.

Its also easy to create a dedicated email for Price Reductions. Simply create a new automatic email, select which days to send the email on and put the amount of days for the price reductions.

The team at iProperty knows that everyone will love this new feature. So, if you have a property price that needs to be reduced, login to iDashboard and setup Price Reduction emails.

Please note that properties with price reductions will only be sent out if you select ‘Yes’ at the time of reducing the price AND if you have Price Reductions set to a value other than 0 in your automatic campaigns.

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