New Feature Sticker for iDashboard Products

New Feature: Social Media and Title fields for Staff Profiles

As more and more social media websites are appearing each day the team at iProperty has noticed the need to expand on the Social Media fields that we provide for Staff Profiles in iDashboard. We have now included YouTube and Flickr to the Social Media Links section of Staff Profiles in iDashboard, which bring the total amount of Social Media fields to 5. Soon your website will be able to display Social Media icons for your agents in the meet the team profiles, so get ready for this now by ensuring all of your Staff Profiles are updated with their Social Media websites as this feature will be coming soon.

The last edition to the Staff Profiles in iDashboard is the ability to add an Employees Job Title to their profile page. Previously this could only be done via the Employees Page in Admin of iDashboard.

To start using these new features login to iDashboard now.

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