Google Rank

Tips for How to Rank High in Google Search Results

Google RankIf you want to rank high in Google search results, you’ll have to produce strong content and consistently use strategic SEO tactics for an extended period of time. The amount of information available about SEO can be overwhelming, but here are some quick tips to begin with:

  1. Use Strong Keyword Phrases

Use strong keyword phrases between 2-4 words in length. The average search contains more than four words, so it’s important to use longer phrases.

  1. Identify and Understand Your Target Audience

Once you’ve identified your target market, it’s important to understand your customers’ behaviours. This will help you create content they’re attracted to and want to consume.

  1. Optimise Your Site for Strong Keywords

Optimise your entire site, not just your blog posts, for SEO—especially local SEO. Use competitive keywords with local citations in order to drive traffic to your site. The right keywords help you attract the right customers.

  1. Use a Mix of Online Content

A strong online brand will have a mix of consistent onsite content, social media content, and reviews.

  1. Develop Content that is Share-Worthy

Share-worthy content is content that meets your customers’ needs and engages them. It’s quality information that they want to share with their friends and family members. Write with your audience in mind.

  1. Utilise Creative Promotion Strategies

Brainstorm and get creative about how you promote your content. This will help you maximize your reach and generate engagement.

  1. Watch Your Competitors

Watch what works for your competitors and implement those tactics into your own strategy.


There’s a lot to learn about ranking high in Google search results, but these tips will help you get started. In order to avoid overwhelm, it helps to learn the basics about SEO before you dive right in.

Our How Google Search Results Work series will continue with our final post How Do Google Paid Search Results Work? We hope you’re understanding more and more about Google and how you can leverage it to work for your business.

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