social profile bio

How to Customise Your Bio for Each Social Platform

social profile bioEach social media platform structures bios differently, has them in different places, and has their own space restrictions. The sites continually release updates to their layouts and features, so be on the lookout for those, but here are some basic best practices for the major social media sites.


Facebook provides you with a couple of options for your bio. A tagline bio is available on your main page and then there is an “about” field with space to include your tagline, company info, mission, and description. The amount of space will vary depending on whether your page is set up for business or personal use. Be specific and descriptive in this bio, but also as concise as possible.

Use trigger words that potential clients can aspire to, such as: smart, useful, applicable, etc. Showcase a value statement, such as “My website provides informative, expert-level content and the latest property deals.”

Facebook Bio Best Practices:
  • Include website link or landing page link in your short bio
  • Be descriptive and specific in your “about” bio
  • Use keywords for SEO


Twitter has a 160 character space restriction, so you need to be to-the-point and specific in your bio. Add your title, noteworthy accomplishments, and a bit of your personality.

Use language that hooks readers and makes them want to visit your site.

Twitter Bio Best Practices:
  • Add URL and city in bio
  • Consider a call to action with link to a landing page or website
  • Use keywords for SEO
  • Use the cover photo for more detailed info


Your Google+ bio is tied to your google account, so it should have relevant information, website links, keywords, and contact information. You can fill in a lot of information in your Google+ bio, but we’ll focus on the “story” section. This section includes:

  • Tagline—A brief introduction to who you are. It’s recommended that you use 10 words or less, but this is not enforced.
  • Introduction—This is the “meat” of your bio. This is where you say who you are and what you’re about. There’s no limit to the amount of space you can use.
  • Bragging Rights—This is where you can talk about your personal or professional accomplishments.

Make sure to fill in each one of these spaces with relevant information and keywords.

Google+ Bio Best Practices:
  • Include a compelling business summary
  • Use keywords for SEO
  • Add links and other social media platforms


LinkedIn is by far the most professional networking site, so, while you should keep your brand consistent, this is the place to showcase your accomplishments and experience. In the “Summary” section, there are no space restrictions, so you can be as thorough as necessary (while still keeping it compelling).

LinkedIn Bio Best Practices:
  • Add a headline next to your profile picture and under your name
  • Include your short, website link ( in your headline
  • Use keywords for SEO 


Pinterest is the visual story-telling medium. It’s the place where your interests, passions, and hobbies are expressed, so you should tie those interests into your bio. Your bio is limited to 160 characters, so you’ll have to be to-the-point. Give people what they need to know about you in the most concise way. For example: Your go-to guy for real estate & all things local in {insert area}. Family Man. Adventurer.

Pinterest Bio Best Practices:
  • Add interests that match your boards and pins
  • Use keywords for SEO


Do you have your bios filled in on every social media site? Did this article give you some good tips, so you can either fill them in or refine them for improved success and appeal? Are you at least following these 8 profile picture rules for your profile pictures on each platform?

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