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Did you know about Custom URLs?

A URL or Domain Name is the web address for a website that you type in your browsers Address Bar. The easier this URL is for a customer or client to remember or access, the better.

Here are some of the benefits of having a Custom URL for a property or even your own staff profile:

  1. Simplicity

    A custom domain such as “www.123smithstreetsuburb.com.au” is easier to remember than a default property URL such as ‘www.mywebsite.com.au/property/search/12345678’.

  2. Marketing & Branding

    A simple domain name is great for marketing a property or yourself, this domain name can go up on signboards, brochure and all your print marketing. No longer will prospective buyers have to remember ID numbers or long domain names. They simply type in their address bar the custom URL that is advertised.

  3. SEO

    Quiet often clients will simply google the property address or an agents name. In these searches you are competing with other websites that are displaying the same or similar information. Having a custom URL with the keywords that would be searched is a great way of  increasing your property or profile’s ranking, because it contains the keywords that are being searched for.

  4. Credibility

    Prospective customers will more readily transact with an agent with a professional, established online presence – made possible with a personalised domain.

  5. Locality

    Google searches can be heavily influenced by a user’s geographical location, so if you appeal to regional customers, take advantage of country extensions on your domain, e.g “www.123smithstreetsuburb.com.au”.

  6. Correspondence

    Once you acquire a custom domain name for your employee profile you can utilise this for your email address e.g “mail@agentsmith.com.au”. Custom email address go a long way in maintaining professional communications with your customers.

  7. Affordable

    Custom Domain names are a great low cost marketing tool, being affordable for all vendors and agents.


If you require a Custom Domain Name for one of your properties, staff profile or would like to order one for other uses, do not hesitate to contact us today.