Share Content

Inspiring Others to Share Your Content

Share ContentIf you are already immersed in content strategy or about to ramp up your inbound marketing tactics, you probably understand that there is significant value involved with sharing the content that you promote and produce. One of the best ways for you to improve customer engagement and improve brand awareness is sharing content. Many people wonder if there is some hidden science behind how people share online.

Online sharing can be a challenge to comprehend as there is an ever-growing and ever-changing consumer landscape filled with online readers and buyers who are very diverse, yet fickle. If we work to understand the psychology behind social sharing and what encourages the interaction of web users, we will more readily create content that entices people to want to share with others.

The Big Question – Why Do People Share?

As online community members, want others to see quality posts or posts that we believe have beneficial information. There are many reasons that we may want others to see specific posts, but for the most part, these specific content pieces cause internal reactions and we want others to experience those same reactions and emotions. Posts that we find uplifting, hopeful, exciting, inspirational, relatable, or funny, are much more likely to be shared.

Because of the emotions invoked, language and tone play a significant role in the success of written content. Anything considered derogatory, negative, or bitter may get some shares, but those are often for the wrong reasons and not for your positive benefit. You don’t want to create content that will be viewed as the subject of Internet ridicule or some meme. You want to think about the emotions that people will experience from your content. Determine if those emotions are what people want so they can impact their own followers and friends.

Make your readers feel good or respond positively when they read your content. If you are creating content that could be considered negative, such as the 10 big mistakes you are making when it comes to a specific subject, you want a positive tone and more nurturing language to support progress. Don’t scold a reader who may be making those mistakes, but tell stories that he or she can relate with or add-in some humor.

We Share to Give Insight into Our Own Lives

Many times we share information or content to let others have an insight into our own opinions, thoughts, or feelings. This lets people give others a better sense of who they are as individuals. We don’t only show our brand personality in our content, but a conversational voice in our writing can provide opinions and information, resulting in more compelling content. Even those in your audience who don’t agree with your opinion can have emotions evoked and that should never be ignored or discounted.

Share Observational and Insightful Content

Content has been proven to make us feel more connected to others or to specific events. Content is a great way to join a bigger conversation of timely events while engaging your reader base. In this case, posts are shared because they contribute to the overall bigger conversation. People are often united through highly emotional events. They can also provide ample opportunities to show sympathy and compassion as well as celebration and joy.

Emotions are often not associated with your business or company, but creating content that touches the real human sentiment gives you the opportunity to create something that enables readers to connect to deeply and identify with on multiple levels. Several companies who promoted content that celebrate the decision to legalise gay marriage in the U.S. saw significant support from consumers with the same view. There was a time when staying neutral on religion, gender, politics, and diversity was recommended, but now it is a way to connect to consumers.

Connecting with Our Friends

We also share to connect with our friends. Since social media have evolved into a bigger platform than status updates, shareable content has found a home. Content that is niche, personable, and personal is an extension of the person that is often shared on social media accounts. Instead of pouring our hearts out for the world, we let content do the talking.

Companies sometimes find themselves struggling to create inclusive content. They want it broad enough for wide appeal, but not too generic at the same time. Creating personalised content will increase your odds of making a stronger connection with your readers who will share that content as a part of their opinions, thoughts, or feelings. So to sum it up, the psychology behind creating content is that we want to create posts that others will want to share and see.

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