
Copywriters: 8 Reasons Why You Should Hire One

copywriterWriting copy for your website or business page is so important these days, but if can be quite a daunting task. If you’re thinking of writing it yourself, or hiring a professional copywriter for the first time, the world of copy can cause confusion.

Copy writing is one of those things that; no matter how much you need to do it, always seems to get swept under the office rug or pushed to the back of the water-cooler line. To be honest we really shouldn’t be doing that – and that’s where wonderful time-saving copywriters come in…

Check out our 8 reasons why you should consider hiring a copywriter for your company:

1. More time in the mornings

The single most important reason why should hire a copywriter is because they will save you one heck of a lot of time. This means you can have a little more time for tea and coffee, or perhaps a bit more sleep if you’re that way inclined.

But on a serious note, a copywriter will free you up to spend more time on what’s really important to your business. Creating engaging material is a big time-consumer as a lot of thought goes into each word, making copywriters a great way to save that extra coffee break in the morning.

2. Copywriters are like photographers of words

A bizarre analogy I know, but copywriters aren’t just drones who will spam out text at an alarming rate – they’re creatives. They can capture and image of your services in what they write, especially as they’re trained to learn as much about your business as they can.

Copywriters can write about a whole variety of industries, but an industry-specific writer may have the special training in your area of expertise. This’ll make them able to snapshot your business, and will help engage your target audience.

3. Viral black-hole marketing

Remember the blue or gold dress phenomenon from a while back? It created a viral storm that sucked everything in like a black-hole. Several different businesses manipulated this online sensation to target their audiences in a fun and engaging way. Grabbing hold of something so current and making it work for you can seem a little risky at the time, but let me tell you it can pay off.

If you have an expert copywriter, you’ll have someone with the freedom to create fun content for your blogs and social media portfolio. This in turn will help to boost your chances for generating viral content, that could garner some major exposure for the business.

4. Don’t get your grammar panties in a twist

I’m assuming if you’ve read this far, you might be able to speak and write a little bit of English. Most people; even with the best intentions, might never have a great command of the English grammar system. Guess who does though? You guessed it – a copywriter.

Most professional copywriters will have some kind of degree in a field which requires perfect grammar usage. Spelling and punctuation come between these brackets too (spelling and punctuation), which means they can create expert-level content for you with ease.

5. The masters/mistresses of persuasion

Copywriters are majestic and seductive beasts that can lure in an audience with guile and charm, much like a second-hand car dealer. More than anything though, copywriters understand how important it is to focus on creating persuasive content for a client; drawing in many a sale.

When you write your own copy, it may come across a little stilted or perhaps even like a sales pitch – which we don’t want because A) it’s boring, and B) who buys things when they’re being sold to? If it’s obvious, then a smart business person will turn you down, but copywriters know how to flick that sales switch.

6. Don’t get too cosy with your industry

It’s great to be close to what you do, having a level of expert knowledge that can often be hard to come by in today’s saturated markets. In copy writing though, this level of knowledge can actually be a hindrance at times.

A good example of this would be if you had a problem with your car and when you talk to the mechanic about it, they hit you with a load of jargon like “catalytic converter” and “gasket”. It can be confusing right? So imagine how your audience might feel reading all of your technical terms.

That’s why you need a copywriter to step in and de-clutter your online copy. Copywriters are able to write about your services in an informative light that focuses on the message of your business, making content easy to understand and fun to read.

7. Getting social

These days, people would rather explore the faceless depths of the internet than meet face to face. This makes it so important to use social media platforms to give your business a face for customers to interact with – to face up to (excuse the pun).

A copywriter will be able to help you create the perfect social media presence, by creating engaging and at times down-right epic content. Generating clicks and interaction with potential clients is key on social media, so if you hire a copywriter you’ll notice that you have more interaction with clients. This then has the knock-on effect of those new clients possibly spreading news of your business through word of mouth. Word of mouth = free marketing…

8. Copywriters are current

Hopefully by now you’re convinced that hiring a copywriter is a great idea, but if you’re not I’ve got one final sales pitch for you. Copywriters are current. They’re up-to-date. They’re the BBC News of online copy.

The internet is a fast-changing tool which evolves daily. Your business need to be able to adapt to this in order to generate sales, which a copywriter can help you achieve. Copywriters will be up to date with changes to search engines like Google and Bing, meaning you waste less time finding out why your ads aren’t showing up and all that jazz.

Similarly, they’re current in terms of social and online trends. They’re all up in that business of being down with the kids, which is harder than you might think. Professional copywriters are experts at hitting the target audience right where you want them; whether that’s spring-boarding off of a recent viral trend or by creating enticing content involving relevant social material.

The lords of language

As you can see there are a wide variety of reason why you should hire a copywriter for your business; especially when it comes to generating excellent web content.

If you leave your online presence in the hands of a copywriter, they can improve your copy, website and bring in loads of online traffic, clients and sales.

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