Optimise Facebook

4 Top Tips For Optimising Your Real Estate Facebook Page

Optimise FacebookSo, you’ve created a Facebook page for your real estate agency. Congratulations – it’s a big steps towards digital marketing success and you’ve already put yourself on par with a large amount of the competition with this simple move.

There is, however, a lot of work still to be done. Although you’ve got a Facebook page set up, there’s a long way to go before it’s optimised to the point where it starts to bring in real benefit to your business.

In this article, we’re going to take you through some of the key points you need to cover when optimising your real estate Facebook page for digital marketing purposes.

Add a custom vanity url to your Facebook page

One of the key advantages you can give your Facebook page is making it easily discoverable. This can be achieved easily by adding in a vanity URL.

After you’ve garnered 25 like for your Facebook page, you’ll be able to set a custom URL (vanity URL) to your page, ideally one that reflects the business. With this, people who are searching on Google or Facebook for your business will be able to find your social profile more easily.

Add useful info into the ‘About’ section

Fed up of people getting in touch with you thinking you do one thing when you actually do the other? That can be solved with a properly filled-out About section.

Use this area of your Facebook page to introduce yourself to your customers and detail which areas of the industry you operate in to save your office team time explaining over the phone.

The About section is also a great area to add in your contact number, any relevant email addresses, and a backlink to your website so your customers can find out more about you prior to getting in touch.

Be sure to include powerful profile pictures and cover photos

The general rule of thumb is that your profile picture should show who you are and your cover photo should show what you do. For the profile picture, throw in a copy of your logo in 180×180 resolution. This will accompany your company’s name in search results and help to boost your brand recognition.

For your cover photo, why not try a high resolution image of one of your busy open house events? It’ll both showcase what you do and that you’re successful at doing it – it’s a win-win.

How to Select the Right Social Media Images for Your Content

Make the most of call-to-actions

Although unique, your Facebook page shouldn’t be any different from your website or a blog post when it comes to your lead generation goals. Once you’ve got some traffic hitting your Facebook page, you’ll want to direct them towards the next action you want them to take – enter Facebook’s handy call-to-action button option.

By adding this button into the top of your page, you’ll be able to give your visitors an easy way to take a number of different paths towards contacting you or learning more about your business, including sending you an email, dropping you a Facebook message, downloading an app or heading straight to your website.

Your Guide To Attention-Grabbing CTAs On Social Media

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