
7 Productivity Tips For A Successful 2017

SuccessReal estate is increasingly becoming a demanding and fast-paced profession, which can often leave professionals without enough time in the day for their requirements.

With some forward-planning, however, you can get everything you need to get done fitted nicely into your week. Take these productivity habits below and try to work them into your weekly routine.

Set yourself clear goals

Planning is the key to any successful real estate career. You might not think it, but by planning out your day, week and month, you’ll be able to simply and clearly break down what you need to get done.

By doing this, you’ll also ensure that none of your important tasks slip your mind or get left to the last minute.

Write up a business plan

The majority of real estate agents still don’t have a business plan, despite how essential following one is. By setting out a simple, one-page business plan with your goals and how you expect to meet them, you’ll be able to keep yourself on the right track.

If you can track your numbers against your goals too, you’re guaranteed to have a more productive year.

Create client profiles

Client profiling is, sadly, easier said than done, but if you can master the art form, you’ll see your productivity and sales go through the roof.

The key to profiling someone effectively is figuring out their needs, their ends goals and how they hope to get there.

Get started right now

This year, stop making excuses and procrastinating. To help yourself on the way with this commitment, why not consider getting to the office half an hour earlier each day?

Not only will you have some guilt-free time to grab your morning coffee, you’ll also earn yourself a head-start on replying to client emails before the tasks of the day kick in.

Cross-sell your colleagues

Although you might be in competition with your fellow agents, cross-selling each other’s services means that everyone gets a good slice of the pie. If you give more to your team, you’ll get more back.

If you’re holding back your client metadata from your colleagues, you’re actually being counterproductive.

Stay active

Although it might be tough to find the time in your schedule, it’s a great idea to make room for exercise.

Exercise is an excellent means of relieving stress, so it should be an important part of your day. If you don’t have time to duck out for a full workout during a busy day, take yourself for a quick walk around the office. Although it’s not going to offer the same intensity, it’ll still help to clear your head.

Book in some you-time

After a tough day in the office or on the road, everyone needs some time to unwind. If you don’t get this, you’re not going to be performing at your best, which is what productivity is all about.

If you can hit the pause button on a regular basis, you’ll be impressed by how much more productive you’ll get.

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