Facebook Guide

4 Tips For Fantastic Facebook Posts

The golden rule when it comes to Facebook posting, is that no two posts are ever equally created. With countless elements that go into crafting each post, it’s crucially important that you select the right ones to make your posts a hit – generating as many leads as possible.

It’s important to consider visuals such as images and videos, compelling content, tag lines and timing of your posts – as these will all impact on their success.

Remember, there is no “perfect” post for Facebook, but as a professional real estate agent, you’ll want to follow the following top tips to ensure you further the strength of your brand.

The following tips include information on how to get your content seen in the news feed, how to write stellar content, which types of content garner the most hits, and the role of timing your posts right.

1)   Nailing The Content

Writing is a core skill of a real estate agent. Not just the ability to mindlessly fill out forms, but the ability to engage your audience and convey information in a unique way. This is ever more important on social media platforms, as it can have a big impact on how many potential leads you generate.

Don’t forget that Facebook is asocial media platform, so your audience is likely scrolling on their lunch break or in the evening, when attention-span may be short. Keep your writing short to fit in with this. Use headlines under 20 words and a maximum of 50 per description.

Use emojis to embellish, rather than having to add in lengthy descriptors. You can also tease the audience by only giving away four of your top ten tips. This will encourage them to dig deeper and read the full article – potentially generating you a new lead.

Your Guide To Creating Engaging Real Estate Content

2)   Awesome Visuals

If you can combine great content with amazing visuals, you’re well on your way to creating the perfect Facebook post. It’s important to be able to use a variety of media formats on a post, rather than just images alone. Try mixing in videos, GIFs, blog links and other relevant assets.

Don’t just use the stock preview that Facebook generates when you create a post – make sure you spend some time tinkering with your media to get the best fit for the post.

When using video, remember that shorter videos tend to work best. The ideal length is under 60 seconds, as they prevent the audience from being deterred by its length. Facebook live is also a cool tool for generating interest in what you’re currently up to.

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3)   Utilise The Facebook Algorithm

It’s estimated that in 2016, Facebook page experienced a 52% decline in reach towards customers. Understanding how the Facebook algorithm works can help to prevent the negative impact of this decline on your content.

The algorithm works by looking at each post on an individual basis. It then decides whether an individual will be interested and how likely they are to share the content. It will score a post based on the following 3 factors:

  • Who posted the story – if someone likes and comments, it will infer that you’re interested in it.
  • Number of post interactions – the more likes, comments and shares, the more popular and therefore more interesting a post is.
  • When the post was created – More recent posts are always given priority in the news feed.

Facebook’s Algorithm – What Your Real Estate Agency Needs To Know

4)   Get The Timing Right

Establishing the perfect Facebook brand isn’t just about the content – sometimes it’s about the timing. The golden rule to follow is quite simple – post when people are most likely to be online.

Don’t ever post at night time when people are asleep, or when people are likely to be working. You can schedule posts to make it easier to distribute content during peak times, such as at lunch time and during the evening.

This is a crucial trick to Facebook posting, so if you can follow these four tips, you’ll be well on your way to posting the perfect Facebook content.

What Customers Want From Your Facebook Page

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