Content King

5 Key Points All Great Real Estate Content Needs

Although some of it comes down to ability, the majority of writing good content is a choice. It’s a choice to put in the right amount of time and research to craft a piece that’s relevant to your real estate brand.

However, each day people are taking the easy path and writing low-quality content. There’s far too much of it on the internet, and writing it isn’t going to do you any favours. So, whatever you’re using content for – whether it’s to bolster your SEO or answer common questions your buyers and sellers have, you need to make sure you’re doing it right. And to do that, you need to know the features that all great real estate content has. Read on to find out more.

1) Make it Original

Google loves original content, and so do your readers. If you copy content from others, you’re not only running the risk of your audience losing interest, you’re also tempting fate with punishment with Google – something that can seriously impact your profit line.

Original content means originality, so the ideas you include within it should be original. They shouldn’t be rehashed or rewritten versions of posts you’ve already made, as less and less people will read them and no-one is going to link to them.

2) Focus on Creating Powerful Headlines

These are the first things people are going to read. In fact, 80% of people will read your headlines, but only 20% will actually go on to read the rest of your content.

As a result, you should take the time to write great headlines. You might not get it first time, but if you write several, you’ll have an easier time finding on that works best. Don’t ignore them, as they’re the main driver of views to your real estate content.

3) Give Your Readers Actionable Information

What did you discuss in your last blog post? Did it provide information that your audience could action right away? The best content you can produce will give your readers a means of applying the information you discuss without directly telling them what to do.

So, when you’re writing your next post, give your readers assurance that they know how to best apply your material to learn and become better at what they’re reading up on.

4) Provide Answers to Their Questions

That’s the ultimate purpose of Google, after all – providing answers to questions. When someone types a question into a search engine, they expect to be provided with an answer, and they expect an answer fast. If you want your content to gain popularity, you shouldn’t purely focus on providing your audience with answers, you need to present it in a way they can access quickly by skim-reading if need be.

If you read any good piece of non-fiction, you’ll notice that the titles and subtitles increase curiosity, with the answers then delivered in the supporting information. Follow this structure and you’ll help to guide your audience to the material they’re looking for.

5) Focus on Accuracy of Information

Picture it – you’re writing an article for your real estate agency, and it’s going to be read by a large percentage of your colleagues and hundreds of your audience members. Shortly after posting, it’s brought to your attention that some of the information you’ve used is inaccurate. What do you do?

Your blog is a representation of your company and personal brand, so this could cause significant damage to your online reputation. As a result, you need to ensure that every statistic or piece of research you quote can be independently verified. By producing consistently accurate information, you’ll build trust with your readers, which will make them that much more likely to use your services the next time they’re in the market to sell their property.

What to Take Away

Don’t treat any kind of content site or blog you like lightly. Creating great content takes time and dedication to research and write. Answering audience questions, organising your content properly, using catchy headlines and being accurate with grammar are all musts. So, when you edit your content, ask yourself:

  • Do I need to take out any words?
  • Have I supplied my readers with the best possible information?
  • Is it ready to be posted, or does it need more work?
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