
6 Ideas to Help You Improve Your Real Estate Newsletter

A newsletter is a great way to market your business. Not only does it keep you connected to current, potential, and former clients, but it also helps you position yourself as an expert and authority.

However, keeping up with a newsletter can be tough. To keep you going, here are some ideas for content:

Analyse the Local Market

Write up a short summary of the local market to show to your readers you truly are an expert in the area. News publications will provide you with some of the baseline information, and then be sure to add in your own insights. It’s also important to demonstrate how national trends will affect the local market, as this shows you’re well-versed in all things real estate.

Feature a Suburb

If you’ve got a few properties for sale in an up and coming suburb, think about doing a spotlight feature on it. Take readers on a quick tour around the town, showcasing all its amenities. Dig into what it might be like to live there, and present people with a snapshot of the town in numbers. This should help attract interest and boost activity surrounding the properties you’re listing in that area.

Share Client Feedback

Most people trust the reviews and recommendations of those around them. So, when you’re putting together your newsletter, think about how you can incorporate some positive client feedback. For example, maybe you can tell a story about a home you managed to sell above market value, or perhaps you have an example where you worked hard with a family to find them their dream home. Whatever it is, share it. But don’t heap praise on yourself. Instead, show how you provided value and did your job in an exceptional way. People will respond to this and will trust you more moving forward.

Spotlight Exciting Properties

Have a great property for sale that’s just not quite drawing the interest you’d like it to? Think about doing a feature about it in your newsletter. Put up photos, write about the details, and, if you can, give a video tour of the place. This extra attention could help you grab someone’s eye and finally get interest from someone serious about the property.

Update Your New Properties List

One easy way to be useful to your clients is to send them all the new properties to have hit the market in the last month. This saves people from having to sift through all those they’ve already looked at, and it keeps the buying process at the front of their mind.

Provide Readers with Resources and Tools

Being useful to people is a key part of winning them over, so use your newsletter to provide readers with the resources and tools they need. For example, you could put together a home buyers guide, or a detailed to-do list for those considering selling their property. This type of information is really useful, and it can go a long way towards establishing you as an authority with your audience.


Overall, there are many different things you can do with your newsletter. These six ideas should get you going in the right direction, but don’t stop there. You can always find new content to create.

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