Content Ideas

Simple content ideas that will help you develop your real estate blog

Having problems developing new and engaging content for your real estate posts and blogs? Don’t worry because it can happen to anyone, especially when you think you have covered anything and everything about the real estate industry.

But is content marketing really important compared to traditional marketing methods? At this day and age, it does.

Imagine this, current global statistics place the worldwide population at 4 billion, according to Statista. With it, there are 3.7 billion mobile internet users and a little over 3 billion have social media accounts. That’s a lot of people with access to information devices such as smartphones, tablet devices, and desktop computers.

With a whole lot of people going online, it’s not a surprise to find that digital marketing is one of the best ways to tap into this sizeable market. But here’s the catch, around 60% of marketers have difficulty producing content consistently and 32% of them believe that their content creation workflow is not within optimal standards- just about fair or worse, poor.

This is where having a good content marketing strategy comes in and at iProperty, we will share with you some content ideas that will help you stay out of the doldrums and optimise your blogs and web page content.

Do your research and maintain focus

It is equally important to note that in order to continue engaging clients to your pages and blogs, consistency in every aspect of your social media and online content must be strongly considered.

At the same time, it is critical to know content topics that are trending and spurs the interest of your target audience.

Knowledge in search engine optimisation (SEO) and keyword research are among your primary sources of content topics to help you get started on new content or update your existing content materials.

Try to find out which keywords, topics, or keyphrases are trending and try to work around those terms when developing your content.

Providing statistics, quantifiable data, and quality content are very effective ingredients that help engage audiences to subscribe to your content.

Make sure to use only reliable sites and data, especially when you want to share information that allows your clients to take advantage of when trying to make their decisions to invest or divest in real estate.

For example, a trending topic could be rising employment. When doing your research, try to associate positive employment numbers which could result in a demand for real estate properties and assets due to increased spending power and economic activity, then try to develop a content outline to integrate all your information.

Share unique experiences

Experiences can be a great starting point.

People often relate to the triumphs and struggles of daily life. Social media often paint contrasting pictures of life’s realities and what better way to connect with your audience is to share some life lessons worth reading.

Take your office or agency for instance, surely there could be behind-the-scenes stories of blunders and bloopers where lessons are learned and could be worth sharing. It could also be an accidental wardrobe mismatch or group pictures with storytelling potential.

Hot seat interviews and performance highlights

You could make good use of interviewing top-performing agents who could perhaps share best practices and personal motivations to help spur the interest of the audience.

Performance tips and ideas are worth its weight in gold and will engage readers to subscribe to your content, especially if these tips are new and unique from those commonly used or applied.

Agent interviews can also help boost morale in the workplace since it acknowledges their contributions and gives them the recognition they deserve for their work.

Client or customer testimonials

Another effective strategy in content marketing campaigns is on-the-spot testimonials, which can help attract customers.

Testimonials, reviews, and positive feedback are effective validations that are often deemed reliable by people, especially those looking for proof of performance or excellence in service.

This can be a potent tool, especially in social media. It does not have to be complicated or requires too much preparation. For instance, a quick selfie with a client when a sale goes through or a quick video testimonial about their customer journey could work wonders to boost your social media content.

Make it fun and entertaining.

Monitor and take advantage of social trends

Start taking a peek at what people are following and sharing on social media. That can be a good starting point to develop your content. You can also check out what industry bigwigs and key personalities are looking at.

You can also learn how to do content curation, where you gather trending and up-to-date information on relevant topics and your areas of interest. Curating content can help you organise your ideas for your web page, blogs, and social media content.

Keep abreast with the latest technologies, design trends, and industry updates so you can have reference materials that you can use and engage your audience.

Share or update past content

Re-sharing past content materials can be another way of letting the audience recall the material, especially if it has gained a lot of following in the past. You may also want to revise it by updating some of the details or data that you find relevant.

People always appreciate getting valuable, useful, and practical information that they can use and also share on their end.

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