
Property Preview Links

Property Preview Links are now available in iDashboard – links you can share with vendors and landlords to preview their listing before you publish their property.

Say goodbye to publishing a property only to your website to make sure the owner is happy with the online listing. Say goodbye to getting your owner to come into the office, or catch up to show them a preview of their listing before it goes online. Simply generate a preview link while the property is unpublished, copy the link and share it in an email with your vendors and landlords. What’s also great is there is no need to ‘re-generate’ preview links if you make changes to the property in iDashboard – simply ask the owner to refresh their browser and they will see the latest changes in the property preview.

And if the owner tries to visit the preview link after you have published the property we will advise them the property is now published with a button to take them straight to the listing on your website – handy!


Generate as many preview links as you like and share with your vendors or landlords.
Preview links automatically expire 24 hours after they are first accessed.
Once your vendor or landlord approves their listing, just publish as normal.

How do I get it?

Property Preview Links is available to all iDashboard users who use iDashboard to directly add, edit and manage their listings and also have a website provided by us. To access the Preview Links simply login to iDashboard and click on the preview link button at the top of your unpublished listings.

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