Effective Emails

Effective real estate email marketing strategies that work

Email marketing can be very effective as it lets you personally reach out to each of your client or professional network.

Communicating to your network via email allows you to nurture and sustain your professional relationships, as well as enable you to touch base with your leads and convert them into repeat customers and referrals.

Content quality is critical

However, planning your email ideas can be a bit daunting and time-consuming, because you always need to make sure that your content is compelling or useful enough to let people open and read it.

Many real estate agencies spend hundreds of dollars to employ copywriters to help them churn out their email content. There are those who do it themselves but fail to recognize that it ate up an hour or two of their time which they could have spent earning hundreds of dollars in doing what they do best.

Keeping your past clients and referrals engaged should be a major priority, which makes up 80% of your business deals and should become the focus of your email marketing goals.

Share knowledge regarding insurance

Sharing information such as home insurance ideas and information that addresses common gaps in the insurance process can be an eye-catching proposition for many real estate prospects and contacts. Providing customers with answers to commonly asked questions about insurance can be inspiring and encouraging enough for people to open your email.

Contractor advise or ideas

Who would not want to save hundreds or even thousands of dollars on building or renovation projects? Giving your audience and contacts the means to empower themselves by helping them how to choose contractors, identifying the dos and don’ts in selecting contractors, how to find the best contractors when choosing to buy or sell property, etc.

Practical ideas on home upgrades

Sharing your knowledge regarding home upgrades is also a good way to catch people’s attention to your emails.

Home upgrade ideas no matter how small or big, temporary or permanent, helps them save money, how to find materials, or home décor options, are greatly appreciated. This could even help establish you as an authority on such topics and give your readers more confidence to rely on you for home upgrade advise and ideas.

Take advantage of seasonal content

Use seasonal topics that people will find appropriate and more suited to the times. Ideas such as spring cleaning, décor, paint colours, and thematic design are more valuable and interesting for people reading it.

Other topics can also include how you could protect your potted plants during the winter season or how to protect your outdoor wooden furniture from the rain are some very good practical ideas that are worth considering.

Events, contests, and activities

Making people aware of related events, especially contests or promotions are among the many triggers that could let people check out your email.

People often find it useful to get such information, as it also serves as a reminder to them for a long-awaited event that they may have forgotten or needed to be reminded of.

Compelling and informative content

You can reference other authoritative sources to help boost your marketing strategies. People always love reading compelling content, especially those that provide more value such as add to their skills or knowledge about certain ideas or topics.

People are also attracted to list articles, such as “10 tips to save money on your home upgrade” or “5 fool-proof ways to save on power bills.”

Make sure to provide citations or references to the information you shared so that people would count on you for doing in-depth research when sharing information to them.

How-To emails

When you offer to empower your readers to do things, you can be sure that you have caught their attention. It may not necessarily be about real estate selling, but it can be something about tips or tricks that one can do at home.

Topics such as storage, cleaning, or repair ideas are interesting topics that can be leveraged for your email marketing strategies.

Developing and making your email ideas need not be difficult, but it would require some practice and careful research in order to provide real and added value to your readers. It could also be your ticket to establishing your reputation as a reliable expert and authority that people can count on.

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