
Real Estate Marketing Strategies: Generating Leads With Social Media

In the real estate industry, it is common knowledge that getting ahead and succeeding is all about dedication and numbers. 

If you know how to deal with your cards and leverage the numbers to your advantage, success is sure to come your way.

The same concept applies to marketing- the more you develop effective strategies, the more you get to generate leads and help boost the number you need to succeed in the business.

Having the right marketing formula

Always remember that there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all solution in marketing and any experienced real estate agent can agree with that.

Having the right formula means developing your assets, gathering your data, and constantly adapting and optimising your strategies until you establish your marketing funnels and see your marketing efforts bear fruit.

Marketing funnel: What is it?

Before we dive deep into details, it is essential to know what a marketing funnel is. It is a step by step system that turns site visitors or readers into customers. It systematically catches their attention and takes them through a virtual journey until they end up becoming paying clients or customers.

One of the most prominent channels for marketing channels is social media, such as Facebook.

Facebook, for instance, is the undisputed leader in social media marketing channels with more than three billion active users around the world, and the number keeps on growing.

How to start setting up your funnel

Setting up a funnel for the first time can be challenging, but once you get the hang of it, you will be able to see the benefits that it can do for your real estate business. 

Different elements of the funnel

Several methods make use of varied combinations using social media platforms to help you get started with identifying your prospects such as Instagram, Google Adwords, Google My Business, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc. This is also referred to as your traffic source.

Once you have identified your traffic source, you may consider establishing your Lead Magnet. This is a small piece of value that you offer to entice readers that usually offers a solution to a specific problem that is given in exchange for their email address or contact number. An example would be a discount coupon, case study, market report, etc.)

Next, you can choose your own Conversion Tool, which is a low-fraction yet high-value offer to those who opted to subscribe and have provided contact information.

You can also use Landing Pages to help you generate opt-ins, monitor, and track conversions and target leads that you can follow around on the web. Sounds creepy? No, it’s not like that.

There’s also the Autoresponder that allows you to automate sequenced responses when someone opts-in through your lead magnet and one that could guide them through their desired or preferred situation, establish the relationship, and result in a conversion.

Content is also one of the important elements of your marketing funnel that provide value, establishes your reputation and authority that you can leverage in retargeting ads, and invite new prospects. 

Finally, there’s Reporting, which can help you generate and track data, compute return on investment, and any tool that will help provide intelligence and data for your campaigns and how to effectively track your prospects and help them in their journey, when needed.

Guiding traffic to your marketing funnel

Your marketing funnel will not be effective unless you take advantage of social media to kickstart your campaigns. 

Consider social media traffic as a good way to guide them to your funnel. 

After you have determined your traffic source, your next step is on retargeting, the moment a prospect visits your website.

It is important that when they visit your site, they expect to see you on social media as well, so take advantage of content, case studies, or other enticing offers that can help provide them with solutions to questions that they have in mind that they need to be answered or addressed.

Your next step is to establish your brand-building campaign by adopting effective engagement activities and enticing listings in your marketing actions. 

Also, take advantage of Google Search and Retargeting by getting it in front of people using Google to search for real estate agents.

Marking your online presence

Retargeting is one of the best tools that can help you establish your presence and visibility online. When this is set-up in your marketing funnel, people are provided with options through ads appearing in front of them based on their online and navigation behaviour. 

This is also known as omnipresence which can be effective in allowing you to appear everywhere and always present in a relevant yet unintrusive manner.

Optimising your funnel

A marketing funnel is always a work in progress and if you feel that it does not seem to work for you after a few tweaks, do not worry, there are several ways to help you scale your marketing funnel campaigns.

Here are some key scenarios that can help you in optimising your funnel campaigns.

Is your pay per click ads getting expensive? This is a sign that your ad or conversion offers to need a second look.

Are your getting clicks but very few opt-ins? You may have to consider looking at your landing page.

Are you getting good opt-ins but low sales performance? Your sales process or customer journey path may need some tweaking.

Is your funnel not working properly? You may have to review your data, fill in possible gaps, and optimise your funnel based on feedback loops that enter your review or feedback system.

Tips to having a successful marketing funnel

  • Be patient and always look at the long term.
  • Don’t overwhelm yourself by doing too much at the same time.
  • Do not rush into decisions.
  • Avoid overcomplicating your funnel.
  • Focus your attention on the right things and those that work.
  • There’s no such thing as a secret sauce, rather, believe in hard work.
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