
The Three Best Ways To Convert Your Content

Content is king, as the saying goes. However, it can only be regarded as a recipe for success when it effectively converts and becomes the key to help you realise and achieve your goals for your business.

This is the same with your real estate website or your social media and digital marketing campaigns. The more you use compelling content as a strategy to promote and market your real estate business the greater your chances of maximising your content’s ROI.

Take advantage of evergreen content

A good marketer is also a good researcher. An effective strategy used by high-performing marketers is by looking at market trends and industry updates to help them develop topics for their content materials. 

You know that a topic is highly relevant when the audience is engaged, however, the effects can be temporary and short-lived. So, it is critical that your content schedule should always be focused on using a good mix of topical and trending topics known as evergreen content.

Evergreen content is regarded as an issue or topic that stays constantly relevant and usually lasts for a very long time.

For instance, in the real estate industry, a good example of an evergreen topic is valuable tips on how to save money when buying a house or how to find your ideal real estate agent. These are topics that home buyers and sellers will always be looking for.

Use semi-gated content 

Your aim is for your content to deliver value to your audience. You do this to impress upon your audience that they are being empowered with your knowledge so they can use it for their benefit. It is also the key to keep them coming back for more.

When you offer some form of value, it’s fine to ask for something back such as their contact information or other relevant details.

For instance, your semi-gated content is about a market study that is highly relevant to the local real estate scene. You provide a brief summary and in order for them to gain access to the full report, you can request for them to subscribe to your newsletter or register with their email address.

Do take note that this can work for as long as you provide enough content and it is compelling enough for your readers to continue reading on.

Make your CTA’s enticing and appealing

Publishing great and compelling content is great, but without an effective Call To Action (CTA), it is nothing more than just reading material and cannot expect anything for your content ROI. 

Always remember that every content piece that you churn out must contain a CTA to let your audience engage with you and your business. It can be a clickable button or a sentence asking them to sign up, what matters is that you ask them to respond or take action.

Using links to other relevant content, products, or other solution pages on your website to give them access to other resources on your website so they can stay engaged and entertained.


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