
How To Expertly Plan Your Real Estate Marketing Campaigns

Real estate marketing is a crucial aspect of your promotional and advertising activities for your brand and business. 

It matters not if you are new to the business or a seasoned agent, marketing your real estate business is a non-negotiable ingredient to ensure your foothold in the online market.

Marketing is important in the information age

The world has become an interconnected and virtual environment, at least most of the time, because everything that people do daily is mostly online, from shopping, socialising, working, etc. 

This makes marketing an essential tool to give your real estate business the mileage and traction it needs.

How to carry out effective real estate marketing campaigns

Make no mistake, as much as the internet has made the smaller place and given rise to the virtual marketplace, there are still numerous traditional marketing best practices that are still effective and relevant in today’s interconnected world.

As with other industries, the real estate industry has gone through massive changes and disruptions with the most recent being the Coronavirus pandemic that slowed everything down.

Real estate agents had to adapt to the changing times and explored new ways to help clients buy and sell properties, which gave way to platforms and products to help dispose of the property in the new market environment.

Despite the new and emerging trends and processes, quite a several traditional marketing ideas and processes were still considered highly relevant and effective.

The key to effective marketing is to customise your marketing campaigns to suit your target audience or clients.

Take time to do your research and plan your marketing campaigns effectively factoring both modern and traditional concepts to help you get the most bang for your marketing buck.

Take advantage of video and virtual tours

A couple of the most effective and timeless tools are promotional videos and virtual tours, especially in real estate.

There are many reasons why real estate agents and marketers still use videos.

Videos provide a glimpse and a first-hand look into the reality of things, in this case, property. For instance, a person reading a listing description needs to see the actual image to compare and verify the authenticity of the claim.

Videos also provide potential buyers with a “feel” of the property being sold. Virtual tours provide people with an enhanced perspective of things that they may want to look beyond still images or photographs commonly found in static listings.

It is also the ideal way to market your brand and business as it allows clients to see more of the person they are dealing with since videos can help them visualise and assess an agent’s personality and demeanour that cannot be revealed in still images.

In short, people want to see more video presentations especially since properties entail a higher investment risk and they want to be assured that they make the right decisions should they want to make it right and not regret it later.

Videos are not just a trend, rather it has become a necessity in the industry.

Consider effective traditional strategies

While there is a current emphasis on digital marketing strategies, many believe that traditional practices are no longer relevant. 

However, there are still a lot of traditional concepts and practices that are still as effective as before and neglecting it can negatively impact outcomes.

Here are some examples of traditional marketing strategies that are still effective.

Community involvement – taking part or volunteering in community events such as charity activities, career development forums and school workshops are still some of the most effective practices that can promote and boost your brand and business as it helps establish your trustworthiness and reliability in community-related functions and events.

Email newsletters- sending out weekly, bi-weekly or monthly email newsletters are an effective way of reaching out and updating your audience and clients. It helps to still reach out to people who- without you knowing it- require your services as they see your presence through your newsletter.

Contributing content to real estate publications- reach out to real estate magazines and publications to find out if you can be a guest content contributor.

Pop-bys and phone calls- it can be as simple as calling clients on special days such as anniversaries, birthdays, graduations, etc. These are special moments in people’s lives that can boost morale and eventually make people remember you as a human and someone who cares.

Always remember that there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all solution to people’s real estate needs or marketing strategies, it is always tailored to fit the needs and preferences of your clients and target audience.

So, make sure to carefully plan and develop your marketing strategies by not getting tied up or limited to cutting-edge methods, when traditional practices can be as effective and far-reaching in ensuring the best outcomes.

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