
Are You On Track With Your Real Estate Career?

There comes a point in one’s career when burn-out starts to creep in, such as feeling like going to the office or meeting a client becomes a struggle – tell-tale signs of demotivation or losing the passion to be the best at what they can be.

Don’t worry, it can happen to anyone and such feelings can be overcome, as long as you recognise that’s happening and start finding ways to help yourself to feel revived and refreshed so you can go back to achieving amazing results and outcomes.

The real estate industry can be a highly-competitive and fast-moving environment, which can cause some agents to feel distraught or disappointed when they fail to close a deal for a client or are falling short of their business goals.

Relax, there’s no point in beating yourself and perhaps, you need to review your goals and objectives, so you can start identifying your strengths and deltas to reassess your professional outlook and find solutions that could help you get up on your feet and start climbing to greater heights.

Ask yourself these questions to find out if you are still at the top of your game or help you identify key areas of your real estate career that you need to focus on.

Are your hours still flexible?

One of the perks of being a real estate agent is the flexible hours which ranks among the main reasons why they love what they are doing.

However, have you been working long hours and feel like you are not doing enough forcing yourself to do more work than expected?

If you start to have this feeling, try and set boundaries between work and personal time. Flexible hours do not have to be mostly working nights or on weekends, rather set boundaries so you can still spend time with the family, indulge in hobbies, or simply give yourself time to relax and enjoy life.

Do you still feel the passion to help people?

Being in real estate means helping people make the biggest financial and investment decisions in their life, which make it a fulfilling and rewarding career.

But has it come to a point that you feel bad about getting a negative review or not being able to give a client what they want even if you know that they could make a wrong choice when they insist to neglect your advice?

Don’t lose hope and continue to focus on what you do best – providing your clients with the best outcomes for their journeys but also keeping in mind that decisions will be ultimately made by them and not you.

Focus your attention and work on what you can control and not force yourself into changing what you cannot.

Do you feel like you have shared enough of your skills and talents?

As you develop your skills and talents as a professional real estate agent, you might be wondering how you can contribute to the community such as helping new agents get started or finding and mentoring potential talents.

Being able to share your expertise and cascading it to new talents can be a great morale booster, as well as help establish your credibility and reputation in the industry.

Are you earning enough?

Since the real estate business is not a 9 to 5 job, earning your income as an agent can sometimes stimulate feelings of uncertainty. If you feel that you may not be earning as much as you thought you’d be making as an agent, you may try to explore which areas of your career need improvement.

Negotiation skills? Career development training? Capability-building upskilling? Industry-related updates and resources?

These are just some of the areas you can explore and see if you are missing out on any and feel you might be needing it to improve your skills to help you earn more.

Are you in control of your real estate business?

You feel you have gained enough experience in the industry to make it big, but times change, even the industry itself.

Are you limiting yourself to using decades-old traditional practices and technology? Have you adapted to the changing times and norms in the new market environment? Are you aware of the issues and problems in the industry and provide answers and solutions to your clients?

If you partner with a brokerage to help provide you with resources, logistics, technology, and training but feel that you have little control of the business that you started, it’s time to re-evaluate your partnership and start considering those that could set you up for success while maintaining your core business mission and values.


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