
You Can Make Your Website Profitable

An online market is truly a crowded place with more than 1.5 billion websites that comprise the world wide web, regardless of whether it is a direct or indirect competition for your business.

The volume of websites has oversaturated the market, which is a primary reason why sites are making less or even no money at all.

However, there are ways to make your real estate website generate traffic and revenues regardless of the current situation and when you know how to do it, you might be surprised to find out how easy it is to achieve it.

How you can make your real estate website profitable

There are several ways how you can identify pain points in your website and why it’s not generating revenues or traffic. When you know how to determine these you can make the necessary modifications to make it work.

Web design

One of the oft-neglected factors that affect websites from generating revenues is flawed designs that can greatly impact your website’s ability to perform as expected. Such flaws can range from defective links, pages, outdated information, etc.

Here are some of the most common designs issues that can be the cause of your website’s failure in performing effectively.

Unresponsive website

If you are aware of the latest online trends, you would agree that there’s a high level of demand for mobile-friendly websites. Studies have shown that in the last few years, more than half of all online users access the web using their mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.

If your website is not optimised for mobile, you miss out on a large segment of the market that use mobile devices to access the internet, conduct business, and communicate with the market.

Two major factors affect mobile-friendliness.


  • Mobile-first indexing


Google has been estimated to take a huge chunk of the global search engine market at roughly 75% of the entire global online population. 

Remember that Google’s search engine crawls websites and indexes the results from a mobile perspective so if your website is not optimised for it, you either end up low in the rankings or none at all.

The lower you rank, the least you could expect to get traffic into your website.


  • User experience


Visitors have the right to be picky about what they want to see and experience when visiting websites. The rule of thumb is that when people have a large number of options, they choose the ones that they can find best such as in terms of aesthetics and functionality, among others.

The best way to deal with this is to redesign your website by making it more responsive and one that can provide a good user experience.

Slow website

People tend to abandon websites that are too slow and unresponsive. 

Studies have shown that people are generally drawn to websites that load within two seconds or less, which makes it more helpful in boosting conversions and generating more revenues.

It has been reported that websites that load in five seconds or more have a 35% lower bounce rate which generally means that a user abandons a website without going beyond the landing page.

There are several ways to remedy this, such as removing a couple of large-sized videos or photographs from a content-heavy page. Compressing images can also improve page-loading times.

More complex processes can also be explored such as code optimisation, reducing redirects from the site, review hosting options and configurations, and decreasing CSS and javascript elements.

Site not optimised for search

SEO is a critical aspect because, without it, you risk becoming invisible to your target audience and potential clients online.

While optimisation takes time and not a one-off process, it can do wonders for your online visibility. One good way to make the most of SEO is to hire the services of an SEO agency or specialist so you spare yourself the daunting task of keeping your website optimised and maintained properly.

Failure to leverage on direct advertisement

Direct advertising can give you an edge in generating revenues for your site. You need to understand that the best way to maximise your mileage is through paid or direct advertising, which can give your exposure a boost to supplement your organic reach.

Not promoting products or services that are yours

You might be tempted to promote products or services from a well-established and popular brand however, it can be a reason for readers to relate themselves more with the recognised brand and you end up getting relegated in the backend.

Remember to direct your audience’s attention to your brand to establish recall and recognition.

Wrong audience targeting

This is a common yet very damaging mistake that can render your website irrelevant and non-performing. You must do your research to thoroughly understand your target audience, knowing their wants, needs, and how they can be encouraged to interact and engage with your brand.

Not having a sales funnel

Having a sales funnel allows your customers to find time and space to be more familiar with your products, your brand, and be familiar with what you offer and take them through the conversion process.

Always remember that launching a website alone is not enough to make it perform, you need to have the right mindset and strategy to make it work, as well as make a conscious effort to invest time, money, and resources to get it going.

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