
The Effects Of Copied Versus Unique Content

While it’s true that recycling content for use in your real estate blogs or social media postings can be a great idea especially if you want evergreen content to come up from time to time.

However, there’s a vast difference between recycling content and copying content material, especially when someone simply cuts and pastes full-length articles and pass off as their own.

That is a big no-no because it infringes on intellectual property and can get the copier in very hot water.

Another term for that is duplicate content which also refers to the same content appearing multiple times all over the internet.

Is it a big issue?

Of course, it is.

There are several reasons for this, but the most simple one is that when content material appears in more than one location online, especially when it is almost or entirely the same search engines will have trouble determining which one is relevant and included in the search results.

Worse, it could pass up the work of the original author and choose to include the material that was duplicated.

This is the widespread dilemma that is plagiarism and one which frustratingly occurs to the detriment of content creators, especially writers.

In the real estate game, this can be a big problem because descriptions and property details can be copied and show up on the search results for similar keywords, phrases and even sentences that were intentionally copied.

That’s aside from other legal violations that may be charged against those who illegally copy content material without permission of the original author.

The difficult task of developing new and unique content is not an excuse to wantonly copy and use other people’s work.

SEO and duplicate content

To put it simply, duplicate content is defined as copying content from a source verbatim and passing it onto another page with minimal to no changes to the material at all.

This also includes having the same content – such as a blog – on one page to another page of your real estate website.

Doing so could not only be bad for your page but you could also be penalised by Google which can be detrimental to your online presence and reputation.

Copying content from one website to another  

No matter how compelling the content material or article is, you should never copy website content onto your real estate website.

Even if you cite the author or website as the source or the article, it is not encouraged and should not be done at all.

So, always remember if you find content such as images, articles or videos, you must acquire the permission of the original author or creator, otherwise, you risk yourself getting into legal troubles.

Always remember that nothing comes easy and there’s no such thing as shortcuts when it comes to excellence and success in your real estate business.

You may be thinking of capitalizing on the work of others to benefit gains even without them knowing it, but always remember the repercussions of your actions which can be badly damaging to your professional reputation and credibility.



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